Welcome home!
It’s not easy being a unicorn, oddball, or “only”. I know, because I’m one, too! And maybe no one told you that being gifted is part of what makes you weird and wonderful. Or maybe — like me — someone told you that you were “gifted” but no one prepared you for the unique struggles and challenges that would bring. Maybe those challenges have made you want to give the “gift” back.
Me too! I get it. This page is intended to help you navigate those challenges — and realize you’re neither crazy nor alone. You’re neurodivergent. You belong to a misunderstood and misdiagnosed minority that’s only 2-5% of the population! You’re a wizard living among muggles. There’s nothing wrong with you.
Below you’ll find articles, books, videos, podcasts, and art I’ve found helpful in my own journey — or created myself. Whether you’re gifted, suspect you’re gifted, or love someone who is, I hope you find some jewels and magical objects here that guide and fortify you in your quest.
Welcome home.